The CSC was delighted to host guests from the over 300 years old company that made the first prostaglandin therapeutic product (1974) and first anti-PD1 therapeutic antibody product (2014); both were developed with partners in academia. Their visit aimed to foster relationships with UCSC experts in oncology, neurology, immunology, and pathophysiology.
Faculty are invited to apply for 50-100k/1yr seed grants via UC DDC for drug discovery projects in these areas. To submit a project for consideration, please fill out the LOI form at the end of the RFA here (form is pictured to the right) by the end of JULY 2022 with detailed instructions available here. Ono is especially interested in funding early stage projects that involve identifying first-in-class drugs and/or drug targets. Good luck to all applicants!
We look forward to future interactions with our new friends at Ono Pharmaceutical.
Please note that we also have an opportunity for seed funds from Astellas, also through the UC DDC. You can access the application form here and read the RFA here. The due date is the end of AUGUST 2022.