We’re excited about our upcoming UC Santa Cruz Chemical Screening Center Grand Reopening Celebration and Research Symposium! Please have a look at the formal invitation, which includes a link to register. We also have a link where anyone can make a voluntary donation to the symposium fund. The symposium will be aimed at a general scientific audience, but all are welcome to attend. And we have a link where you can buy merchandise with our symposium theme art!
Calling all presenters: If you want to apply to give a poster and/or talk, please fill out a very brief form with your presentation title by April 15. We have slots for 5 faculty talks and 5 trainee talks, as well as lots of room for posters. It will be exciting to see all the projects using our resources in one place and have some stimulating discussions. There will be prizes! The full agenda will be made available once we have the talk titles so please send yours ASAP.
We have 2 amazing guest speakers lined up, not to be missed!
The opening plenary:
Maureen Hillenmeyer, PhD
CEO and Founder
Hexagon Bio
The closing plenary:
Michelle Arkin, PhD
Distinguished Professor and Chair of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UC San Francisco
Director, UCSF Small Molecule Discovery Center
Questions? Please email Beverley Rabbitts.