*this page is under construction – stay tuned for more videos*
Welcome to our collection of short videos recorded in the CSC specifically to train users on equipment. Trainees can watch them before in-person training to enhance the training experience or make it quicker, or they can watch them at any point after training for a refresher. Some of the videos are instructional, outlining the steps a user needs to take, and some are demonstrations of the device in action.
- Janus MDT “pinning robot” training part 1: how to initialize (1 min) and part 2: how to run a protocol (3 min); demo of pipetting (1 min) and pinning (0.5 min YouTube without sound).
- Image Xpress microscope training on imaging cells (11 min) and bioinformatics training on MetaXpress image analysis and MDC Store Tools data export (9 min).
- Phenix’s Flex robot demo of sample loading from a rack.
- EnVision training on basic running an existing protocol with older instrument (3 min).
- BioTek EL406 “wash/dispense” training on peri dispenser: how to get started (15 min) and how to rinse the syringe manifold (1 min).
- BioTek ELx405 plate washer training on washer with BioStack (7 min) and training on the stand-alone washer (4 min).
- Matrix Wellmate dispenser training on bulk dispensing (8 min) – note that this doesn’t include how to program which columns get dispensing.
For a full list of all instruments available, please see the equipment page. Please refer to the pages on the individual resources for more details on specifications, manufacturer manuals, CSC protocols, and other information. This includes videos not shown above, of recorded Zoom trainings with the manufacturers, webinars, and videos from the manufacturer websites. We have pages for the Phenix & IXM imagers, EnVision plate readers, Echo and Explorer, Janus and epMotion pipettors, bulk dispensers and BioTek washers, and bioinformatics. There are also some lovely videos available about our mission statement. Thank you to Diksha for helping film some videos above during her training!